FUMIPHOS 56 TB the most effective fumigants for Fumigation in grain storage, silo, container
FUMIPHOS tablets are used to protect stored commodities from damage by insects. In limited areas, applications of FUMIPHOS may be made to control burrowing vertebrate pests. The use of this product is strictly prohibited on single and multi-family residential properties and nursing homes, schools (except athletic fields), daycare facilities and hospitals. For a list of approved sites see other article. FUMIPHOS metal phosphide fumigants are acted upon by atmospheric moisture to produce phosphine gas. FUMIPHOS tablets contain aluminum phosphide (AlP) as their active ingredient and will liberate phosphine via the following chemical reaction: AlP + 3H2O — -> Al(OH)3 + PH3. Phosphine gas is highly toxic to insects, burrowing pests, humans, and other forms of animal life. In addition to its toxic properties, the gas will corrode certain metals and may ignite spontaneously in air at concentrations above its lower flammable limit of 1.8% v/v (18,000 ppm). These hazards will be described...