Variety of Pests Controlled by FUMIPHOS

FUMIPHOS® has been found effective against vertebrate pests and insects as following: (insects and their preadult stages – that is, eggs, larvae and pupae).
INSECTS almond moth, European grain moth, Mediterranean flour moth, Angoumois grain moth, flat grain beetle, pink bollworm, bean weevil, fruit flies, raisin moth, bees, granary weevil, red flour beetle, cadelle, greater wax moth, rice weevil, cereal leaf beetle, hairy fungus beetle, rusty grain beetle, cigarette beetle, Hessian fly, saw-toothed grain beetle, confused flour beetle, Indian meal moth, spider beetles, dermestid beetle, Khapra beetle, tobacco moth, dried fruit beetle, lesser grain borer, yellow mealworm, dried fruit moth, maize weevil, Africanized bees, pea weevil, honeybees infested with tracheal mites
VERTEBRATE PESTS Woodchucks, Yellowbelly marmots (rockchucks), Prairie dogs (except Utah prairie dogs, Cynomys Parvidens), Moles, Voles, Pocket gophers, Chipmunks, Norway rats, Roof rats, Mice, Ground squirrels,
Although it is possible to achieve total control of the listed burrowing and insect pests, this is frequently not realized in actual practice. Factors contributing to less than 100% control are leaks, poor gas distribution, unfavorable exposure conditions, etc. In addition, some insects are less susceptible to phosphine than others. If maximum control is to be attained, extreme care must be taken in sealing, higher dosages must be used, exposure periods lengthened, proper application procedures followed and temperature and humidity conditions must be favorable.


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